Saturday, 5 April 2014

10 things... #1

Hey guys,

We have decided to start a new series called 10 things... where we will be talking about 10 things on a topic hopefully every week! We hope you enjoy it, and if you didn't understand what we just wrote, hopefully you will understand as you keep reading on! Let's go,

10 things that make us happy!

  1. Friends at school- they are always there to cheer us up and we have so many good memories, pretty much what makes school enjoyable every day!
  2. Twitter- we have made some great friends on twitter that are always there for us when we can't talk to anyone else and are good for late night talks and have the same interests as us!
  3. Food- Just food! No other words needed!
  4. Summer- even though we both love winter and wrapping up warm and cosy, we can't wait for summer and the hot weather to come (hopefully) and to get a nice tan! (I find that the weather affects my mood quite a lot and generally i am just happier in summer! Millie)
  5. Shopping- we just love having new cute outfits and new make-up to try out and wear (even though it does kind of make us bankrupt...)
  6. Blogging- we have loved blogging so far and all the new people we have met during the process has made it even more worthwhile! It is just like our own space to chat and no one will judge us!
  7. Cute movies- there's nothing like watching your favourite rom-com or disney movie to cheer you up or just make you even happier than you were. Our fave movie at the moment which you might already know if you read this tag we did is Frozen and it is good for the whole family!
  8. Music- those happy songs that make you hyped for everything but also those sad songs that are emotional (and usually make me an emotional wreck) but are just amazing
  9. Memories- this will sound cheesy, but all the memories we have with our friends make us really happy! They are the kind of things that really make you feel better on a bad day.. (too deep)
  10. YouTube- and of course we left the best thing til last! YOUTUBEE! We are both completely addicted to it and end up checking it at least every day, usually more! We are both so grateful for it as it has really helped us through some times. Zoe and Louise's 'Chummy Chatter' and Zoe's anxiety video were/are great, and we would both recommend them if you haven't seen them already if you are going through a hard time at the moment!
Thank you very much for reading, we hope you enjoy this series and we will be with you again tomorrow for one of our main posts!
We love you guys,
Alice and Millie <3 x

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