Thursday, 3 April 2014

Liebster Award!

Hey guys,

To start off we just want to apologise for being rubbish at posting lately. We've had a lot on with family, school e.t.c

This is going to be a blog post that we were nominated to do by the beautiful Katie. Everyone go check out her tag! <3
Let's go!

 These are the rules...
  • Link the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer the questions you received
  • Provide 11 Facts about yourself
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and come up with 11 new questions
  • Tell the 11 other bloggers you nominated them
 11 facts about us!
  • We are in year 9 at school and just starting our GCSEs
  • We are both ADDICTED to Youtube
  • None of our friends know about our blog
  • We are both really uncreative
  • We are best friends 
  • Alice is older than Millie! But both still 14
  • We both have anxiety
  • Millie is 5ft 7inchs and Alice is 5ft 6inches
  • Alice has size 6/7 feet and Millie has size 5/6 feet.
  • We love One Direction
  • We both want to be Youtubers 
 11 questions
  1.  What makeup product can you not live without? Both-Concealer
  2. What/who inspired you to become a blogger? Youtube and lovely people on twitter
  3. Drugstore or high end? Drugstore (if we had enough money probably high end)
  4. Favorite Film? FROZEN! (or This Is Us)
  5. What kind of blogger are you? E.g. Beauty, lifestyle... Beauty & Lifestyle
  6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Still doing our blog (hopefully) and Youtube (hopefully)
  7. Any hobbies? We are quite into sports and twitter (if that counts as a hobby)
  8. Favorite food? EVERYTHING
  9. Ever been on holiday? If so where? Yes, mostly France (Millie) and Cornwall (Alice) but we've been other places aswell
  10. What are your goals in life? To be happy! CHEESSSEEYYY but we couldn't think of anything
  11. Favorite brand of makeup? We couldn't choose so Revlon, Rimmel, Collection and Topshop.

As we are new to blogging, we don't know loads of people so instead, we nominate anyone and everyone who is reading this!

And finally our questions for everyone we tagged

1. Do you prefer wearing pjs/ trackies or dresses/skirts on a daily basis?

 2. What is your favourite tv programme?

3. Who is your biggest celebrity crush?

4. Who is your favourite band/singer?

5. Favourite brand of make-up -high-end and drugstore?

6. Favourite/most exciting place to go or have been on holiday?

7. Favourite accessory?

8. One thing you couldn't live without?

9. Lipstick or eyeshadow?

10. Favourite quote?

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Phew, that took a while! Anyway thank you for reading and getting this far if you did! 

New posts will be up soon! Love you all,

Alice & Millie <3

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